Do you have workers’ compensation questions related to the COVID-19 coronavirus?

Do Safety Rule Violations Bar Workers Compensation Benefits?

If an injury occurs because of a safety rule violation, can the injured worker receive workers compensation benefits?

Many employer have safety rules they require employers to follow.  Sometimes, the employer has a manual that spells out the rules.  Other times, your employer just gives you instructions in writing. If you suffer an injury at work, your employer may try to claim that violating a safety rule caused your injury.  Can you still […]

Do Workers Compensation Injuries Cause Herniated Discs?

Many people suffer neck and back pain from herniated discs

Workers’ compensation back and neck injuries often cause herniated discs.  Many people have difficulty getting medical treatment or other workers compensation benefits for these injuries. This article provides information about a few different workers compensation issues for herniated discs: Common reasons workers compensation insurance companies deny claims for herniated discs Common medical treatments covered by […]

Rotator Cuff Surgery for Shoulder Injuries

People often have questions about what benefits workers' compensation pays for shoulder injuries

Workers’ compensation shoulder injuries often cause significant difficulties.  We use our arms a lot.  I did not realize how much I used my arms until I had a shoulder injury a number of years ago. Shoulder injuries make it difficult to work overhead.  Many people find it difficult to sleep or wash their hair.  Some […]

Getting Proper Medical Treatment for Neck Injuries

Serious neck injuries often cause people to miss work and need extensive medical treatment

Many people suffer neck injuries at work each year.  While some of these injuries are minor, many injuries can cause you to miss months or longer from work.  Some injuries require extensive medical treatment including surgery and other procedures. If you injure your neck and get medical treatment, the doctor may diagnose you with a […]

Do Armed Robberies Cause PTSD?

Many injured workers develop PTSD after experiencing a traumatic event at work

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects millions of Americans.  Many veterans suffer from it as a result of their service to our country.  Many of our countries first responders suffer from it as well as a result of trauma encountered on the job. Of course, work-related PTSD is not limited to first responders.  Many people experience […]

Crush Injuries at Work

Doctor examining leg of patient

Crush injuries occur when an object crushes all or part of a person’s body.  These types of injuries can cause serious problems.  Crush injuries to the whole body can be fatal.  Crush injuries to part of the body can cause permanent pain and disability. This article discusses different types of crush injuries.  This article also […]

Mind or Body: Caring for our Injured Veterans and Workers

VA has improved the benefits it provides to soldiers with PTSD and other mental health conditions

Our law firm represents injured veterans and injured workers.  Most veterans receive benefits for their service-connected injuries through VA.  Most injured workers receive benefits for their injuries through state workers’ compensation systems. Our nation’s veterans kept us safe.  VA is a promise to our veterans for the service they provide. Our nation’s workers are a […]

Georgia Workers’ Compensation Eye Injuries

workers compensation eye injury

Many people suffer workers’ compensation eye injuries each year.  In fact, over 2000 people injure their eyes at work every day. While many of these injuries are minor, some people go partially or completely blind as a result of work-related eye injuries. Understanding the special rules that apply to these types of injuries is important. […]

Spinal Cord Injuries

A doctor discusses spinal cord injuries with a patient

Approximately 17,000 people suffer spinal cord injuries in the United States each year.  These injuries usually require extensive medical treatment.  They also have permanent impacts on the lives of the individuals living with them. These injuries can cause death or paralysis.  They can affect almost every body system.  Even if an individual retains function, that […]

Can You Place a Value on a Pet (or a Finger)?

How do we value the life of a pet or our own lives?

The Georgia Supreme Court recently decided a case where a family’s dog died as a result of being given the wrong medication while being boarded.  The family sought to recover the for the life of the deceased pet.  The Georgia Supreme Court decided that the family could recover the animal’s fair market value plus expenses […]


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