Do you have workers’ compensation questions related to the COVID-19 coronavirus?

How Much Should I Settle My Workers Compensation Case For?

Many people have questions about how much they should settle their workers' compensation cases for

Most workers’ compensation cases settle.  For the insurance company, this means they can close a file.  For an injured worker, it means that they generally receive some sort of lump sum payment.  The difficult question is how much you should accept to settle a workers’ compensation case. This question is extremely difficult.  Before trying to […]

Reasons Not To Settle Your Case Now

should you settle case

Settlement sounds great.  It means you can move on with your life.  It generally means the insurance company pays you a lump sum check.  But before you decide to settle, you need to know some reasons you should not settle your case now. Two things you must know about settlement I often get asked about […]

Back Surgery – Georgia Workers’ Compensation

workers comp back surgery

Doctors often propose back surgery to treat serious workers’ compensation back injuries.  These types of back injuries often result in herniated discs that are diagnosed via an MRI or some other form of diagnostic testing. When back surgery is recommended, people often have questions.  They wonder whether they should have surgery. Many people believe that […]

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

Man with injured back walking with cane

You may read about maximum medical improvement on some paperwork from your workers’ compensation doctor.  Like many medical terms, you may wonder what it means.  You probably wonder how it will affect your workers’ compensation benefits. Maximum medical improvement (or MMI for short) means that your injury is basically “as good as it is going […]

Two Things To Do Before You Settle

Find out some things you should consider before you settle your case

Settlement of a workers’ compensation case is a big decision.  Once the settlement is signed and approved by the State Board of Workers’ Compensation, it is final.  You cannot go back and change it later.  Because settlement is such an important decision, you should make sure that you are ready when you consider settling your […]

Misconceptions about Georgia’s Workers’ Compensation Laws

Many people have misconceptions about Georgia's workers compensation laws

Many people have misunderstandings about Georgia’s Workers Compensation laws and how they work.  If you do not understand your workers’ compensation rights, you will probably not be treated fairly and may not be paid the benefits you should receive. Here are a few of the common misconceptions that people have about Georgia’s workers’ compensation laws: […]

Suitable Housing for a Workers Compensation Injury

Man in wheelchair cannot go up stairs to get in house

Severe work injuries often cause problems regarding suitable housing and vehicles.  Back, leg, and neck injuries can make it difficult for an injured worker to get around. Sometimes, these injuries require that injured workers use a wheelchair, scooter, or other assistive device.  Using these devices inside houses and other buildings can often be difficult.  Sometimes, […]

Will My Personal Injury Claim Affect Social Security Benefits?

If you are currently receiving Social Security Benefits such as SSI (Supplemental Security Income) or SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) payments, you may have questions about how the money received from your personal injury case will affect these benefits. SSDI Social security disability benefits (SSDI) are not income dependent or “need based” benefits.  This means […]

Does Permanent Partial Disability Benefit Payment End My Workers’ Compensation Case?

Signing disability benefits check

Our previous articles in this blog series on permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits in Georgia workers’ compensation cases provided a general overview of permanent partial disability benefits and discussed when these benefits are paid and for how long.  This article will discuss whether accepting permanent partial disability benefits settles your workers’ compensation case.  It will […]

Does a Big Settlement Mean A Better Recovery?

Man holding a settlement check

What is My Case Worth? Our clients often ask us what their workers’ compensation cases are worth.  When they ask this question, what they often want to know is what they would be able to receive if they settled their cases.  This is a complex question which requires a lot of information about the specifics […]


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