Do you have workers’ compensation questions related to the COVID-19 coronavirus?

Getting Physical Therapy Paid For By Workers Compensation

Frustrated young man with beard shouting on cell phone

Physical therapy, or PT for short, is a fairly common treatment ordered by doctors.   Doctors prescribe physical therapy as medical treatment for many different types of injuries that occur at work. It is one of the most common types of medical treatment in a workers compensation claim.  Sometimes, your doctor will order physical therapy […]

Getting My Workers Compensation MRI Scheduled

Even when your authorized treating physician orders an MRI, you may have difficulty getting the workers compensation insurance company to approve it

Your doctor ordered an MRI to diagnose your injury.  But, the workers compensation insurance company has not authorized the MRI. So, you are stuck in limbo.  You need treatment to get better.  You cannot get that treatment until the doctor can get the MRI done and diagnose your injury. In the meantime, you may be […]

Requesting a Workers Compensation Hearing

Many people have questions about how to request a workers compensation hearing

Unfortunately, insurance companies often do not pay the workers’ compensation benefits they should.  To get the benefits you deserve, you may have to request a workers compensation hearing.  This article discusses how you can request a hearing and gives some insight into what happens between the time you request a hearing and when you go […]

Beating Insurance Company Medical Treatment Denials

Workers' compensation insurance company medical treatment denials can make it difficult to recover from an injury

Probably the most common reason people call me about their workers compensation case is medical treatment denials by the insurance company.  These treatment denials come in several forms: An actual denial – “We are denying payment for your surgery.” A partial denial – “We will approve your medical treatment but you have to have it […]

When the Insurance Company Denies Workers Compensation Benefits

Find out what to do when the insurance company denies workers compensation benefits

Why do workers’ compensation insurance companies deny you the weekly benefits and medical treatment you need? There are many answers to that question, but one likely answer is that they believe it is in their financial best interests to do so.  Paying you benefits costs the insurance company money.  If the insurance company pays less […]

What Does A Permanent Partial Disability Rating Mean?

Arm injuries

Permanent partial disability benefits can be one of the most difficult workers compensation benefits to understand.  You should receive them if you have a permanent impairment as a result of your work injury. But many people do not even know about permanent partial disability.  Usually, people find out about it when: They receive a form […]


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