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Workers’ Compensation Negligence

Car wreck

Serious injuries often happen as the result of someone being negligent.  When you suffer an injury at work as a result of someone else’s negligence, what happens? This article discusses how negligence interacts with Georgia workers compensation cases.  It addresses three of the main ways that negligence can impact a workers compensation case and provides […]

Does Georgia Workers Compensation Pay for Permanent Injuries?

Female doctor with older man showing xray of spine and back at hospital

A severe injury at work can take a long time to recover from.  Sometimes, severe injuries cause permanent limitations even when you reach your maximum recovery.  This article discusses what happens under Georgia’s workers compensation law when an injury becomes permanent. Who determines whether an injury is permanent? In a Georgia workers compensation case, there […]

Who Chooses My Workers Compensation Doctor?

Male doctor shows female patient xray of spine and back

Getting the right medical treatment is very important when you suffer a serious injury.  A very important part of getting the right medical treatment is treating with a very skilled doctor. Workers compensation should cover your medical treatment when you suffer a serious injury at work. But, who decides which doctor will treat your injury […]

Getting Fired After a Workers Compensation Injury

Couple with denial letter from VA

Getting hurt is bad enough.  No one wants to suffer a serious injury.  It interferes with your ability to work and take care of yourself and those your care for. It is even worse when your employer fires you after a workers compensation injury.  Having to focus on recovering from your injury while worrying about […]

Will Surgery Increase a Workers Compensation Settlement?

Many people have questions about what factors go into a workers compensation settlement.  Understanding the different factors that affect a settlement amount is important.  If you do not understand them, you will likely make a mistake if and when you settle your workers compensation case with the insurance company. One question that often comes up […]

Can I Appeal a Workers Compensation Denial?

When you get injured on the job, you need medical treatment and income to recover from your injury.  Georgia workers compensation pays these benefits after you suffer a workers compensation injury. But, what do you do if the insurance company denies your workers compensation claim? When the insurance company denies your claim, they will refuse […]

When Does Workers Compensation Stop?

Worried couple looking at bills

Serious workers compensation injuries are life changing.  They affect your ability to work.  You need medical treatment to recover from your injury. Recovering from a serious injury can take a long time.  In a perfect world, workers compensation would pay benefits as long as you needed them for your injury.  Unfortunately, the laws in Georgia […]

What Rules Apply To Workers Compensation Amputations?

Doctor with man and woman

Georgia’s workers compensation law is complicated and confusing.  This is the case even when you are dealing with a relatively minor injury. An amputation is much more than a minor injury.  Also, in addition to the rules that apply to other injuries, Georgia has special workers compensation rules which apply to injuries involving amputations. You […]

5 Secrets a Workers Compensation Insurance Adjuster May Not Tell You

Man sitting with back pain

Most people who suffer a serious workers compensation injury have not had to deal with workers compensation before.  They do not know all the ins and outs of how it works.  They just want to get better and go back to work. Unfortunately, you really have to understand the workers compensation system to get what […]

How Often Do Workers Compensation Checks Get Paid?


Your employer’s workers compensation insurance company pays checks when you are out of work because of your injury.  But, many people have questions about when these workers compensation checks will start and how often they will get paid.  Some of the frequent questions I get asked are: Does the insurance company pay checks at the […]


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