Do you have workers’ compensation questions related to the COVID-19 coronavirus?

How Much Should I Settle My Workers Compensation Case For?

Many people have questions about how much they should settle their workers' compensation cases for

Most workers’ compensation cases settle.  For the insurance company, this means they can close a file.  For an injured worker, it means that they generally receive some sort of lump sum payment.  The difficult question is how much you should accept to settle a workers’ compensation case. This question is extremely difficult.  Before trying to […]

Mind or Body: Caring for our Injured Veterans and Workers

VA has improved the benefits it provides to soldiers with PTSD and other mental health conditions

Our law firm represents injured veterans and injured workers.  Most veterans receive benefits for their service-connected injuries through VA.  Most injured workers receive benefits for their injuries through state workers’ compensation systems. Our nation’s veterans kept us safe.  VA is a promise to our veterans for the service they provide. Our nation’s workers are a […]

Can Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Get Me Fired?

Getting fired does not end your workers' compensation case

Many people have concerns about losing their job after an injury at work.  Some have known people who have lost their job after an injury.  Some people think their company will fire them if they hire an attorney. Many people ask the following questions during their initial consultation with me: “Will I get fired for […]

Can a Workers Comp Doctor Commit Medical Malpractice?

Doctor with arms crossed

Doctors are human.  Like everyone else, they make mistakes sometimes.  Most people have heard about medical malpractice claims. Sometimes, workers’ compensation doctors make mistakes as well.  They may diagnose an injury incorrectly.  They may not use proper care when performing surgery. Sometimes, these mistakes do not cause any harm.  Other times, mistakes cause serious injury […]

Reasons Not To Settle Your Case Now

should you settle case

Settlement sounds great.  It means you can move on with your life.  It generally means the insurance company pays you a lump sum check.  But before you decide to settle, you need to know some reasons you should not settle your case now. Two things you must know about settlement I often get asked about […]

Don’t Make This Workers’ Compensation Mistake

don't make this mistake

Changing doctors without knowing all your rights is a common workers’ compensation mistake.  Getting good medical treatment is important.  The rules about changing doctors can be tricky. You have rights under Georgia’s workers’ compensation laws that help you get good medical treatment.  You need to understand those rights before changing doctors. Do I need to […]

Beating Insurance Company Medical Treatment Denials

Workers' compensation insurance company medical treatment denials can make it difficult to recover from an injury

Probably the most common reason people call me about their workers compensation case is medical treatment denials by the insurance company.  These treatment denials come in several forms: An actual denial – “We are denying payment for your surgery.” A partial denial – “We will approve your medical treatment but you have to have it […]

Georgia Workers’ Compensation Eye Injuries

workers compensation eye injury

Many people suffer workers’ compensation eye injuries each year.  In fact, over 2000 people injure their eyes at work every day. While many of these injuries are minor, some people go partially or completely blind as a result of work-related eye injuries. Understanding the special rules that apply to these types of injuries is important. […]

Spinal Cord Injuries

A doctor discusses spinal cord injuries with a patient

Approximately 17,000 people suffer spinal cord injuries in the United States each year.  These injuries usually require extensive medical treatment.  They also have permanent impacts on the lives of the individuals living with them. These injuries can cause death or paralysis.  They can affect almost every body system.  Even if an individual retains function, that […]

Wearable Technology – Giving Up Your Privacy For Safety?

Using wearable technology on the job might decrease accidents at the cost of our privacy

Technology’s influence on our lives seems to increase more each year.  One recent development is the idea of wearable technology that could help prevent accidents.  Fewer accidents and fewer serious injuries or deaths is a great thing.  But are there privacy concerns with such a technology? Earlier in 2016, AIG invested in a company that […]


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