Georgia Court of Appeals Protects Injured Workers Right to Medical Privacy

Businesswoman in office using calculator and laptop

The Georgia Court of Appeals recently decided the case of McRae v. Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc. In this case, the Court of Appeals refused to force an injured worker to allow an insurance company’s lawyer to talk to the injured worker’s doctor without the injured being present. When we are treated by a doctor, we […]

Travis Studdard published in Georgia Trial Lawyers Association Journal

Travis Studdard wrote an article which was published in the Fall 2011 edition of the Verdict, the journal of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association (GTLA). The article focused on Judge William A. “Tony” Murray who served as an Administrative Law Judge with the State Board of Workers’ Compensation for 28 years and now practices law […]

Georgia Supreme Court Decision Helps Injured Workers Get Medical Treatment

Arm injuries

The Supreme Court of Georgia recently upheld the validity of State Board of Workers’ Compensation Rule 205 in the case of Mulligan v. Selective HR Solutions, Inc., 289 Ga. 753, 716 S.E.2d 150 (2011). Rule 205 provides a method by which doctors and injured workers can get approval for medical treatment needed as a result […]

Cliff Perkins Honored for Service as Chairman of Workers Compensation Law Section

Cliff Perkins was recently honored for his service as chairman of the Workers’ Compensation Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia. Cliff served on the Executive Committee for the Workers’ Compensation Law Section for the past eight years and as chairman for the 2010-2011 section year. The Workers’ Compensation Law Section has approximately one […]

Travis Studdard elected President Elect of West Georgia Trial Lawyers Association

Travis Studdard was recently elected President Elect of the West Georgia Trial Lawyers Association (WGTLA). He will become President of WGTLA in 2011 and serve as President until 2012. Travis was one of the founders of the organization, having been a member of WGTLA’s Executive Committee since 2008. The West Georgia Trial Lawyers Association is […]

Travis Studdard Speaks at WCCL Annual Seminar

Travis Studdard spoke in April at the 2009 Georgia Workers’ Compensation Claimants’ Lawyers (WCCL) annual seminar. WCCL is comprised of attorneys throughout the state of Georgia who represent and promote the interests of people injured on the job. Travis’ presentation focused on effective courtroom tactics and trial strategies to use when litigating cases of injured […]

Georgia Trial Lawyers Association publishes article by Jason Perkins

Jason Perkins recently wrote an article on catastrophic designation in Workers’ Compensation claims which was published in the Verdict, the journal of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association. A catastrophic designation provides injured workers with additional benefits that are not otherwise available. Jason and the other attorneys at Perkins Studdard have extensive experience in successfully handling […]

Travis Studdard Named a Director of the West Georgia Trial Lawyers Association

Travis Studdard has been named a Director on the executive committee of the West Georgia Trial Lawyers Association (WGTLA), which is a local affiliate of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association. He is a founding member of WGTLA, which was created in 2008 to promote the legal interests of the people of West Georgia and around […]

Cliff Perkins Chairs Workers’ Compensation Seminar

During his more than thirty years of practice, Cliff Perkins has spoken at many seminars designed to improve the knowledge and skills of lawyers who practice workers’ compensation law. On February 20, 2009, he served as Chairman of the seminar “Workers’ Compensation for the General Practitioner.” This seminar was sponsored by the Georgia Institute for […]

Perkins Studdard attorneys meet with state legislators

All four attorneys of Perkins Studdard spent a day at the state capitol in March of 2009 meeting with senators, representatives and legislative leaders. These meetings are an opportunity to build stronger relationships with these legislators and discuss proposed legislation that affects the rights of injured citizens. While Perkins Studdard believes that protecting the interests […]


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