Do you have workers’ compensation questions related to the COVID-19 coronavirus?

FMLA and Workers’ Compensation

FMLA leave can protect your job if a workers' compensation injury causes you to miss work

Many people who have workers’ compensation injuries may also qualify for FMLA.  FMLA stands for the Family Medical Leave Act.  Congress passed this law in 1993 to provide job protection for employees who needed to miss time from their jobs. Before FMLA, an employee who had to miss time from work because of a sickness […]

Georgia Workers Compensation Basics

Construction worker falling off ladder

If you are hurt on the job in Georgia, you probably have a Georgia workers compensation case.  Understanding the basics of Georgia’s workers compensation laws will help assure that you are treated fairly.  This article will provide you some basic information about the benefits you may receive and situations you may encounter Reporting your injury Georgia […]

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

Man with injured back walking with cane

You may read about maximum medical improvement on some paperwork from your workers’ compensation doctor.  Like many medical terms, you may wonder what it means.  You probably wonder how it will affect your workers’ compensation benefits. Maximum medical improvement (or MMI for short) means that your injury is basically “as good as it is going […]

Amputations and Catastrophic Workers’ Compensation Injuries

Workers who suffer catastrophic amputations injuries need to know about their workers' compensation benefits

Georgia workers’ compensation law has two basic designations of injuries: Catastrophic injuries Noncatastrophic injuries Benefits of a catastrophic designation There is a big difference between the benefits available to injured workers depending on which type of injury they have.  For example, injured workers with noncatastrophic injuries will find that they have a limited period during […]

Georgia Workers’ Compensation Law Changes in 2015

Cliff Perkins discusses the 2015 Georgia Workers' Compensation Law changes

Georgia workers’ compensation law changes almost every year.  Sometimes, the changes are minor.  Other times, the changes are much more significant. We believe it is important for you to be aware of these changes in the law.  We hope you never suffer a serious injury at work, but you need to have some knowledge of the […]

Eleven Things You Should Know About Your Georgia Workers’ Compensation Case

Man with questions about his workers' compensation case

Georgia workers’ compensation law is complicated.  Many people call our firm with questions.  We are always happy to talk to people and answer those questions.  Here are eleven important things that you should know about Georgia’s workers’ compensation law. 1.  You have the right to pick your doctor Many employers and insurance companies just send […]

Leg Injuries – Hips, Knees and Ankles

Many with leg injury rests leg on sofa arm

Leg injuries can be some of the most difficult and frustrating workers’ compensation injuries.  They affect your ability to stand, walk, and squat.  This article will discuss some of the specific issues associated with hip, knee, and ankle injuries.  Since it is not written by a doctor, it is not intended as medical advice.  Instead, […]

Statutes of Limitations in Workers’ Compensation Claims

Statute of limitations deadline approaching on calendar

A statute of limitations is dangerous.  It is a deadline for filing your claim. If you do not file your claim within the time provided, you will probably lose your case.  You will lose your claim without even getting a chance to prove it. Under the workers’ compensation law in Georgia, there are at least […]

Changes to Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation Rule 104

Form WC-104

The Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation made a change in 2014 to Board Rule 104 that will help protect injured workers and benefit the workers’ compensation judicial system at the same time. What Rule 104 does Rule 104 allows an Employer/Insurer to complete a Form WC-104 giving an injured worker notice that his or […]

When Will My Temporary Total Disability Benefits Start?

The insurance company should pay temporary total disability benefits when you cannot work after an injury

One workers’ compensation benefit is temporary total disability or TTD benefits.  These are benefits for lost wages.  The insurance company pays these benefits when you are unable to work because of your injury. Also, if you return to work but are making less money because of your injury, you receive benefits for your reduced earnings.  […]


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